Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 18 - Five Months Old!

Miss Lucy Jane is 5 months old today! I tried to get her monthly photo session out of the way first thing this morning because I usually end up waiting until right before bedtime when she is too fussy to cooperate. It seemed like a great plan, but most of my shots turned out something like this:

Attempting a pose with the frog failed too.

It went marginally better when we gave her Sophie the giraffe to chew on. At least you can get a feel for the size comparison with Raggedy Ann in this one.

I've taken shots of her each month in this chair too.

Nellie also likes to hold her for a shot each month, but by this point Lucy was all done and flinging herself to get away.

Nellie is a self-proclaimed "vedgeretrarian" (vegetarian). You can tell by her breakfast that she really embraces the lifestyle.

The girls did a little Wii Dancing this afternoon.

Tonight, I visited a mom in the hospital that was having some difficulty breastfeeding. Her husband entertained Lucy while I worked with mom and her sweet, tiny newborn.

On this day in 2006, Lila enjoyed some broccoli.

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