Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27 - Sweet Girl Turns 6!

Six years ago today, I became a mom. It's so hard for me to remember life before Lila. She changed our lives and who we are in so many ways, and I can't believe what a big girl she is. Six! Where do the years go? I thought I'd chronicle this entry from her first birthday through today rather than the way I usually post with the current day first.

The day Lila was born: June 27, 2005. Her birth story here if you like to read that sort of thing.

Me (in a purple shirt) and my sweet girl.

Lila's first birthday in 2006.

Lila's second birthday 2007. She was running a fever this day and feeling very poorly. The pink glitter high heels she got for her birthday perked her up a little.

She also got some art supplies but felt so badly that she colored lying down.

Lila's 3rd birthday 2008. Her first pool party.

2009 - Her 4th birthday

Lila and me (purple shirt again)

Blowing out candles at her family party for her 5th birthday in 2010.

Lila and me (purple shirt).

2011! Lila started the day with cinnamon rolls, her favorite breakfast.

My mom made this super cool banner on her new embroidery machine. She also made chair covers, table cloths, monogrammed napkins, and so much more. This party would not have been possible without her help.

Lila's party theme was a tea party and she invited her closest friends and their favorite dolls. Here is the doll's table where they enjoyed their tea.

We decorated hats for the girls and their dolls for a craft.

Lila blowing out her candle.

Drinking chamomile tea.

Group hug with her friends.

Lila and Nellie and their matching doll dresses.

Lila, Lucy, and me (purple shirt AGAIN!). This was the same shirt I wore last year on her birthday. I didn't realize this purple shirt thing until I started putting this entry together. Now, I'll have to make sure I wear one for future birthdays.

My mom with her big grandgirls.

Rick and me with our sweet, sweet Lila Marie. We're so lucky that she's ours.

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